Wednesday 28 December 2011

Blogmas day #28

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not really in the mood to write a Blogmas tonight. So instead I am going to leave you with a thought.

Why aren't men seen to have to change when women do? Why is it seen as okay for them to stay cave-men when women are changing the world and looking after the family?

I googled multi-tasking man and this came up:
Yes that's right a superhero!

Then when I googled a multi-tasking woman, this came up:
Just an everyday woman. Nothing special about her at all.

Why, when a man multi-tasks it is seen as heroic almost; yet when a woman does it, she is normal?

That woman is working, the man is on the phone and eating. The woman probably has a family she has to look after as well. The man probably has a family as well, but he probably doesn't look after them, his wife probably does.
So why is that? Why do women have to work 10x as hard as men to get anywhere then carry on working 10x harder when she does? 

Just a thought for you guys. 

I'm not going to do my add ons, instead I am just going to leave it at this.


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