Wednesday 14 March 2012

Prepare for summer - body/skin

Hey all of my lovely followers, and a big hello to all my new followers, thank you for following me :)

Yes that's right, it's that time of week again. The time when I help you to prepare for summer!

This week I want to focus on your body. Not the shape of your body i.e. abs etc. But your skin.

Soft skin is essential for summer, it looks good, feels good and helps to pick up a tan. So, how do you get it? Read on to find out.

The first step is to exfoliate. Just like I mentioned with your legs last week, exfoliation gets rid of all of the dead skin cells, leaving your skin silky smooth. I suggest doing this no more than 2 to 3 times a week. I do this the same days as I exfoliate my legs: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, so as not to dry out my skin or to make it red and sore.

After every shower, you should use a body lotion or a body butter. Do it whilst the skin is still damp to lock in the moisture. You could also use baby oil or body oil, as these also lock in moisture and keep your skin smooth and hydrated. Use whatever you feel comfortable with, but just make sure that you rub it in completely so you don't leave your skin feeling sticky. And make sure to do it after every shower or bath. I would recommend using a body butter on colder days as it is the most hydrating for your skin. You don't want your skin to dry out.

Now what I am about to say may seem obvious but it is essential! Wear sun cream/sun block. Even if you do all of the above, if you don't wear sun cream your skin will most likely burn, you will bet premature ageing and sun spots, non of which are very attractive. So make sure you wear it! Also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

I hope this post has helped some of you.

Have a beautiful day/night



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